Thursday, March 20, 2014

Mi Amor

You see this girl? This girl right here is the most beautiful, intelligent, charming, funny girl in the world. Her name is Alejandra Abigail Gutierrez Castro, but I just call her Abi. She is a Photography/Videograpy major at the University of Guadalajara. She is near fluent in Italian. She also has a more than passing knowledge of French and English. Even in her native language she is an extremely fast speaker.

She actually became my Spanish tutor and I helped her with English. After two weeks we strayed from tutoring and we became really close friends, we talked about her classes, family, pets and the same in my life. On October 6th I decided that I felt something more for her than just being a student/teacher and friend. So I asked her in one of our Skype chats if she would be my girlfriend. When I asked that she was shocked and asked if I wanted to be sure. I told her that I was more sure than saying if the sky was blue and she gave the cutest laugh and said yes.

Our six month anniversary is coming up in a couple weeks and these five months have been the greatest. She always has something amazing that happened during her days' classes and if I'm down in the dumps she always has a way to bring me back up. She is a bright ball of sunshine with chocolate brown eyes. And despite my being unavailable often because of the National Guard she for some reason sticks with me. ("Shh don't tell her, but I really see myself spending my whole life with her") "Oh no, I forgot she reads this blog :)."

Did I tell you she is also an artist?

She likes to take weird photos.

Even as a little kid she was funny and cute...

Even if she had tantrums :)

                                                   Daniel Juric


  1. Awwww Dan! This was your best post so far! So cute!

  2. Really good job writing this one, Dan. Where is Guadalajara? I know I've heard of it but I don't know where it is exactly.

    1. Second largest city, beaten by Mexico City.
