Sunday, March 16, 2014

Chilling Winds are Coming

Hmm, not sure what to write about since nothing much happened since my last post. Well, today at work (Hannaford Supermarket) they gave me a 3 hour and 15 minute shift so that means I don't get a break during it to rest. That wasn't too bad since the time just flew by however, tomorrow is different, I have to work 3 hours and 45 minutes! I mean really!? 15 more minutes and I can get a break but nope, they never give it to you and it's really annoying. What really made today suck is when they had me go outside and bring the shopping carts back inside. It was so cold I thought that the groundhog looked at it's shadow and never stopped. As if the cold wasn't bad enough the wind was strong and felt like knives. I had to wrap myself up in 3 scarves to protect my face from frost bite. Overall not the worst time i've had at work (if interested in that story I'd oblige open-armed) but I have had better.

Lately I've developed the habit of chewing gum, nearly 24/7. This is to prevent an even worse nail-biting problem that I couldn't find a solution to (sour liquid to dip my fingers in, finger all failed yet, the gum seems to work. I'm hoping this helps me kick the habit.

The effects that cold weather has on the body can be very drastic. You have mild dry skin that can escalate to various degrees of frost-bite if your skin is left exposed. With frost-bite you have the potential of temporary or even permanent motor loss of the deep tissue because the frozen nerve cells have died.
It is very simple to prevent this though. All you need to do is cover up the exposed skin and dress in layers to keep warm moist air near to the body.

Link for chart.

Hope you all enjoyed...I'm not getting much feedback and I would really like to make this more tolerable for you all to read but if you don't say anything...I can't fix it. Enjoy the coming week.

                                                                                                                 Daniel Juric


  1. Hmm...what's to fix? Why do you assume there's something wrong with it? That paragraph about frostbite numbed my brain a little bit (sounded like something cut and pasted off the internet...) but the rest of your writing was great.

    Sorry about the nail biting. Sounds like the gum is your best bet. What is your worst work story? And yes, it sucks that they strategically plan your schedule so you don't get a break. But look at it the other way - you're not even pulling four hour shifts. You must have had longer than this at some point? What's been your longest day there?

    What is with that weird chart about wind chill? Maybe I could read it if I clicked on it.

    1. I'll make a link for full size. And this time the frostbite is my writing. And yes, my longest shift was 11 hours.

    2. I was thinking the same thing about breaks. I work about 7 hours a day on Saturday and Sunday, 8-3 and I don't usually get one. It sucks, I know.
