Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Quote Writing

Is this what every older generation thinks of the younger?

Yes, as a kid I was raised in the previous generation and without childhood interaction I never left so I can see from their perspective. I look at generations today and I am scared. Most go around with "swag", early use of alcohol and illegal drug use while they walk around in pants around their ankles. I see them dancing (more like public sex) to "music" that is just a series of booms and squeals. I fear the future because I see many people who don't seem to care for their education and I know that many brilliant minds are going to waste. I know that I myself am not the ideal person but I do know what society is heading towards and I don't like it. To quote Proffesor Farnsworth, "I don't want to live on this planet anymore"

What would I say to the man leaning against the metal smoke stack?

I would first say "Dude! Get away from there! You're too close to the edge, you'll fall!" Then I would mention to him why he isn't in extreme pain. I mean really that is a smoke stack, heat flows through that all the time it must be extremely hot. Then after trying to warn him I would say kudos. "Man you are awesome! You have no fear and I wish I had your cojones. You also stand out and demand all attention from the crowd below as they fear for your life. You couldn't have picked a better place to stand and just one more thing...Watch your step."

Friday, March 21, 2014

Can You Tie the Knot?

Every one probably knows that I like to wear ties and suits...often. Well the thing is I usually don't wear all of my ties. I'm one of those people who get's them just to have. I love ties, I love the material, colors, shapes, and patterns. All of the complicated knots that add some extra flair. When I'm older I'll probably have a whole room with ties hanging from racks covering the walls and they will also be hanging from the ceiling from a motorized rack system. Just think, a room full of thousands of ties! I'd like to show you my collection so far and I'll also show you some knots that are cool and common.

                           The Greys                                 Blush                                   Bucks Pride
                             Naranja                                 Griffindor!                              Frenchy
                                Luigi                                      Blocks                              Desert Storm
                             Shimmer                                  Sandy                                   Choco
                                Loco                                    Royal                                Dark Shimmer
                                                                            Blackie                                  The Misfit

                                                                        Matching Pair

Common Knots

1. Four in Hand
Can be worn by anyone however is best on men with shorter necks. The most common tie, very simple to do with only 7 easy steps.
2. "Prince Albert
Best for shorter men who want a long silk tie. Sometimes it can look like a Windsor or a Four in Hand. Not too complicated and has 9 steps.

3. Half Windsor
All around good tie for all occasions.
4. The Eldredge Knot
My absolute favorite tie. Complex and eye-catching. It is a great conversation starter and demands respect among tie enthusiasts. Requires 15 total steps to finish and is extremely difficult to do.

                                                                                                                 Daniel Juric

Thursday, March 20, 2014

11 Magical Uses for Peanut Butter

I was having trouble figuring out what about peanuts could grab your interest. I asked my mom what she knew because mother knows best. She showed me a site that had every possible use they could have and I picked the weird ones from peanut butter that it had and looked up why and how it was used. What is your favorite? I personally like the 10th use most.
Say your bike gets locked up. Just use a jar of Jiffy Peanut Butter on the gears and you are speeding down the hill in a jiffy. It's always there and when you're done have your dog clean up the mess.
2-Medicine for animals
I can't be the only pet owner who has the hardest time giving a sick animal their medication, am I? But cat's and dogs love the stuff. So next time they need to take their pill, hide it in a glob of peanut butter and they won't be the wiser.
3-I Can't Believe It's Not Butter!
Have you ever been out of butter and you wanted to make a cake? Or how about you wanted to make a peanut butter cake but you didn't have enough pizzazz? Well again peanut butter comes to the rescue. It is a smooth binding agent to hold the sweetness in your baked goods.
4-Mouse Bait
Oddly enough mice don't like cheese. They do however love peanut butter. This helps with those who are lactose intolerant or if you're saving your 20 year old, Royal french cheese for your little kids grilled cheese lunch. Either way slap dat peanut butter on and catch some mice.
5-Removing price tags
I know we all have had trouble removing the bar-code tags off of gifts so they don't know how much you paid. Even after you get it off you have a patch of glue and paper that is impossible to get off. Well you put some PB on that and rub with a cloth and the gooey gunk is gone.
6-Fish smell remover
We all know that nasty smell you get after frying fish. Well an easy thing to do is take a dab of peanut butter and fry that for a coupe minutes. It removes the smell and fills the house with a nutty scent.
7-Cleaning Leather
For this sticky situation just rub the peanut butter (mixed with a little perfume so your furniture doesn't smell like PB, unless you like that.) in small circles and remove with a buffing cloth. You'll save so much money NOT sending it to a cleaner.
8-PB Cookies!!!!!!
Not weird but oh so delicious. You don't even need flour, just PB, eggs, and sugar. And if you're adventurous some chocolate chips.
9-Gum remover
As you know Mrs. Morrison, children often end up with gum in their hair. It involves a lot of tugging and pulling with a comb eventually cutting the afflicted hair off. However what is not known is peanut butter gets rid of this gum. Just rub it in and wipe with a cloth.
Yes I know you're all thinking, "Eww, I'd never do that!" but hear me out. It acts just like shaving cream (which is just a lubricant). It's cheap, and the oils in it are good for your skin. Granted the blades would get clogged unless you use a single bladed razor (I think that's best anyway.)
Do I need to explain?

                                                                                                             Daniel Juric

Mi Amor

You see this girl? This girl right here is the most beautiful, intelligent, charming, funny girl in the world. Her name is Alejandra Abigail Gutierrez Castro, but I just call her Abi. She is a Photography/Videograpy major at the University of Guadalajara. She is near fluent in Italian. She also has a more than passing knowledge of French and English. Even in her native language she is an extremely fast speaker.

She actually became my Spanish tutor and I helped her with English. After two weeks we strayed from tutoring and we became really close friends, we talked about her classes, family, pets and the same in my life. On October 6th I decided that I felt something more for her than just being a student/teacher and friend. So I asked her in one of our Skype chats if she would be my girlfriend. When I asked that she was shocked and asked if I wanted to be sure. I told her that I was more sure than saying if the sky was blue and she gave the cutest laugh and said yes.

Our six month anniversary is coming up in a couple weeks and these five months have been the greatest. She always has something amazing that happened during her days' classes and if I'm down in the dumps she always has a way to bring me back up. She is a bright ball of sunshine with chocolate brown eyes. And despite my being unavailable often because of the National Guard she for some reason sticks with me. ("Shh don't tell her, but I really see myself spending my whole life with her") "Oh no, I forgot she reads this blog :)."

Did I tell you she is also an artist?

She likes to take weird photos.

Even as a little kid she was funny and cute...

Even if she had tantrums :)

                                                   Daniel Juric